Posts about Safety Trends

The Business Case for Driver Rewards & Recognition

July 02, 2024

We clearly set out the business case for companies to implement driver rewards and recognition programmes and the business ROI delivered as a result. ... Read more

The Benefits of Employee Rewards Programs

June 14, 2024

Long gone are the days when salary and pay raises alone ensured employee loyalty. But you can do something about it with employee recognition programs!... Read more

Both ‘hands-free’ and ‘hand-held’ calls while driving are as unsafe as drink driving

March 21, 2024

Evidence shows that hands-free calls while driving are just as dangerous as physically using a mobile phone. Cognitive distraction can increase crash risk ... Read more

What should a practical vehicle safety check include?

March 11, 2024

Regular vehicle safety checks should be deployed to car and 2-wheeler fleets. Safer vehicles lead to lower collision rates, keeping employees safer. ... Read more

How to Drive More Safely around Pedestrians

December 18, 2023

Drivers can do so much more to keep pedestrians safe. But it means retraining, driving more carefully, and consistently practising these new safety habits.... Read more

Multi-job professional drivers: the safety challenge

December 08, 2023

Freelance drivers play a vital role in the transport sector. But, while this flexibility offers economic benefits, it creates four major safety challenges ... Read more

How to Drive Safely in Bad or Extreme Weather

September 25, 2023

Extreme weather challenges can include high winds, snow and ice, torrential downpours and thick fog. Good driving behaviours must apply at all times.... Read more

EU to roll out EU-wide driving bans as it seeks to reduce road deaths

March 15, 2023

The EU is increasing cross-border cooperation to ensure that if a driver is banned for dangerous driving in one country, the ban applies across the EU. ... Read more

Davos 2023: The vital role of road safety in tackling climate change

February 21, 2023

Davos 2023 - How improving road safety can help tackle climate change. There is a clear link between zero-emissions transport and zero-fatalities traffic.... Read more

The Truth Behind the Driverless Car Hype 

February 13, 2023

We outline the definition of an Autonomous Vehicle and analyse where we are right now with the driverless car hype. We then review what the future holds.... Read more

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