Posts about Driver Safety (2)

How to Drive Safely in Bad or Extreme Weather

September 25, 2023

Extreme weather challenges can include high winds, snow and ice, torrential downpours and thick fog. Good driving behaviours must apply at all times.... Read more

It's here - the new Brightmile Driver App!

September 11, 2023

We are excited to launch the new Brightmile App that brings together years of feedback and learnings from our driver safety and sustainability programmes. ... Read more

The Dangers of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)

June 27, 2023

Due to ADAS, drivers can become less careful and lax in practising good behaviours, trusting the vehicle’s technology to protect them instead. ... Read more

Mobility is at a crossroads says the UN, which way should you go?

May 26, 2023

In collaboration with governments and policymakers, the 7th UN Global Road Safety Week wants the world to shift away from more roads and more vehicles. ... Read more

EU to roll out EU-wide driving bans as it seeks to reduce road deaths

March 15, 2023

The EU is increasing cross-border cooperation to ensure that if a driver is banned for dangerous driving in one country, the ban applies across the EU. ... Read more

Eyes on the road: why Brightmile doesn't do in-trip notifications

March 03, 2023

Nothing other than driving and essential notifications from your vehicle should be competing for your attention when you are behind the wheel of a vehicle.... Read more

Davos 2023: The vital role of road safety in tackling climate change

February 21, 2023

Davos 2023 - How improving road safety can help tackle climate change. There is a clear link between zero-emissions transport and zero-fatalities traffic.... Read more

The Truth Behind the Driverless Car Hype 

February 13, 2023

We outline the definition of an Autonomous Vehicle and analyse where we are right now with the driverless car hype. We then review what the future holds.... Read more

The risks of small screen and social media glorification of speeding

January 12, 2023

A study found watching movies like The Fast and the Furious, compounded by social media exposure, caused people to drive faster and break speeding laws.... Read more

USA miles behind on road safety

December 19, 2022

The USA is increasingly an anomaly when it comes to road safety. It has stagnated in safety terms as other countries have, quite literally, left it for dead ... Read more

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"The Brightmile app is the perfect mix of Safety, Fleet, Sustainability and HR tools to manage the fleet and engage drivers"

Global HSE Manager, SGS

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